Matilija Dam EcoSystem Restoration Project

Matilija Dam MapThe Matilija Dam, originally constructed in 1947, has outlived its usefulness. Since construction it has filled with approximately 8 million cubic yards of sediment, and the condition of the dam itself has deteriorated so it no longer serves the purpose of providing water supply and flood protection to the community.

The Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project has many elements leading up to eventual dam removal, providing many benefits.

  • Habitat Restoration
  • Restore access for endangered Steelhead trout
  • New Camino Cielo bridge will increase safety for pedestrians and vehicles, while improving fish passage and sediment transport
  • Live Oak Acres Levee and Casitas Springs Levee reconstruction will bring the levees up to FEMA flood control standards
  • Newly constructed Santa Ana Blvd Bridge widens riverbed to improve fish passage and sediment transport
  • Robles Diversion modification to preserve water supply while restoring sediment transport and fish migration
  • Meiners Oaks Flood Protection will enhance flood protection for the community
  • Matilija Dam removal along with downstream improvements completed in advance will support natural beach replenishment and help protect coastal property
  • Various improvements will provide expanded recreational opportunities
  • Along with addressing aged infrastructure, the project will provide jobs and an economic benefit to the community

For further information please see MatilijaDam.Org.

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Presentation to Board of Supervisors – On Tuesday May 16, 2023, the Ventura County Public Works Agency Director shared an overview of the MDERP and recent Project updates with the Ventura County Board of Supervisors. Supporting materials and a recording of the meeting is posted online at the Board of Supervisors’ webpage.